Sing Tao News column "Pumpkin eating tips" by CMP Novena
"ST" Sing Tao reporter: What are the benefits of eating pumpkins?
"XIE" CMP Novena: Pumpkins are seasonal fruits of Autumn, they have high nutritional value. According to the Chinese Herbal Encyclopedia Ben Cao Gang Mu, pumpkins have warming properties, they may help to increase the Qi of the spleen, and increase fetus energy for expectant mothers. As pumpkins are warming and moisturizing, they are suitable for consumption during the Autumn season, when the weather is cool and dry. They are especially nourishing for those with weak bodies, and those who lack Qi and Xue.
ST: Which people should avoid eating pumpkins?
XIE: People with damp and heaty constitutions who are prone to eczema outbreaks should avoid eating large amount of pumpkins. This is because they may experience a worsening of their skin condition, as pumpkins may increase the dampness and heat in their bodies. Overeating pumpkins may also cause them to have oily skin, bad breath, body odor, and damp stools. Therefore people prone to eczema outbreaks should only ingest pumpkins once a week, and those currently having the eczema outbreak should avoid eating pumpkins.
ST: Do pumpkin seeds and pumpkin fruit have different effects on health?
XIE: Pumpkin seeds, aka. pepitas, have an opposite effect on the health compared to that of pumpkins. Pumpkins are warming and moisturizing; whereas pepitas are cooling and drying. Pepitas may be eaten as a snack after de-shelling and frying. They have anti-inflammatory, anti-phlegm, and anti-parasitic properties. In Chinese Medicine, pepitas are most commonly used to kill tapeworms, which is a parasite illness acquired from eating raw pork and raw beef.