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Flu Headaches🤯

🌀Many patients who exert mental brainpower for their work, have lingering headaches while recovering from the flu.

🌿Acupuncture helps to relieve these headaches by improving blood circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals in the body.

🌬️In Chinese Medicine theory, acupuncture helps to expel wind pathogens and improve your Qi energy.

👩🏻‍⚕️If you have a lingering headache, consult a Chinese Medicine Practitioner!


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Clinic Location: 6/F, 602-03, ONE ISLAND SOUTH, 2 Heung Yip Road,  Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

診所地址: 香港 黃竹坑 香葉道2號 ONE ISLAND SOUTH 6樓 602-03室

©2023 BY 謝詠琪中醫師 CMP NOVENA

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